(isoDateString) => { const dateFormat = new Date(isoDateString); const options = { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric" }; return dateFormat.toLocaleDateString("en-US", options); }

Weekly Awesome Report #6


This week has been a challenging one since I found myself overwhelmed with the amount of things I was trying to do at once. And while the easiest explanation is that I signed myself up for too much, I know that a large part of it is due to my productivity system missing the infrastructure required to manage the workload I want to take on.

Due to a stroke of luck and good fortune of talking with the incredible Katie, I was able to find a path forward to take my old system and begin the steps necessary for me to make progress on the various projects in my life.

With a little bit more luck and effort, here's to hoping I get back to building things on a more regular basis going forward. Cheers! 🥂


  • Finished reading "The Effective Engineer"
  • Began evolution of my productivity system by integrating it with Notion's database model
  • Completed "Design for Developers" on Frontend Masters

Picks of the Week

Design for Developers

I have spent many years believing my #design skills would never amount to much. To my surprise, @sarah_edo's course: "Design for #Developers" on @FrontendMasters gave me the spark I needed to brave those waters once again.

The Effective Engineer

I bought this book a while ago and have been meaning to get around to it. Definitely a great read for anyone interested in learning from Edmond's experience in Silicon Valley. I learned a lot from the book and also felt good that a lot of my own philosophies coincided with Edmond's which let me know that I was on the right path.

It's worth noting that I purchased the Master Package and will be sure to write about that when I've finished the various pieces of it. In the meantime, I'll make sure to write up a full review of the book for those who are interested.

Carmen Sandiego

While I have my reservations about the constant rebooting of concepts from my childhood, I thought they did a phenomenal job with this series by putting a brand new spin on Carmen Sandiego. On top of that, the show reminded me a lot of Kim Possible and Batman Beyond. So definitely a fun watch for all ages!


Touch by 3LAU, Carly Paige